
take the plunge

into my world

Hi! I'm edyta

Nice to meet you.

I believe in the power of expression and the magic of photography. I also strongly believe that our everyday life is a miracle no words can describe. And when you're in the midst of events it's hard to notice it. Standing aside, I see more and in a different way. I would like to show you how amazing and unique your true life is.

I've been taking it with me everywhere I went for more years than I can remember.


We've travelled thousands of miles together. It became my third child, my third eye and the extension of my hand.


My camera.


I've made many albums (never enough) documenting our everyday life. These images tell the stories of our kids growing up.


honest moments. Beautifully captured.


Let me create


a beautiful album

with photographs telling stories of your kids!


Tomasz Tomaszewski Photo Academy broadened my mind.

Having one of the best Polish photographers and a regular contributor to National Geographic Magazine for a mentor was an eye-opener and a journey to rediscovering my drive behind photography. I'm offering you my experience and passion.

Photographer. Psychologist. anglicist.

What psychology taught me and what makes me a better photographer is that if you want to understand you have to look, listen and pay attention. There is a story to everything. And each one is true.


If you're from abroad living with your family in Poland and would like me to capture your current life, don't hesitate. I can help. I'm fluent in English which makes things so much easier.

I care.

This year I donated a documentary family session to The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, an amzing organization helping children.


Join me next year

take part in the auction

I like to look where nobody would.

I am an extroverted introvert. While I come across as quiet and reserved, I am deeply introspective and reflective. It takes less energy to say what's on my mind than to make small talk.


People watching? Yes. Meeting new people and hearing their life stories? Fascinating. I believe these traits of my personality help me make better images of real life in an unobvious way.

If you think we could get along well

and my sense of easthetics feels right to you..

Family Storiesedyta wojciechowska